After a year and a half on the market, the beautiful St. Francis Friary (known as a Center for Spirituality in its modern incarnation) has been sold to the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York and New England to be used as their headquarters. (And they're currently seeking donations to pay for it.) I'm glad the property will not be covered with 8,000 townhouses and I'm glad it was at least Christians who bought it, but this is still a disgrace and an embarrassment. How is it possible for the Coptic church to buy and maintain this property when the Catholic Church cannot? There are only 450,000 Copts in the entire United States. In the Coptic Diocese of New York and New England, which covers Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont, there are only 25 parishes and only 42 clergy; I don't know how many parishioners are in the diocese. Compare this to the New York archdiocese, which has 296 parishes and contains 2.6 million Catholics. Yet with all our resources, we could not retain the Franciscan Friary? The Franciscans made a hash of it, but with the demise of Mt. Manresa, couldn't the Archdiocese have made good use of it?
I am a Catholic who is concerned about the state of the Church and would like to relate my experiences as seen from my local pew in Staten Island, NY.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
The Idol of "Participation"
When I attended Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians
in Tottenville a few weeks ago, I was utterly shocked and horrified to
see that two large video screens had been placed on the walls to either
side of the altar. There was an explanation in the bulletin:
introduction of the TV screens in the church has caught the attention
of many. I invite anyone who has knowledge of this technology and is
willing to work and meet with Fr. Sylvester to learn about it. We hope
to minimize the use of the Missals and maximize the liturgical
participation making Sunday worship more interesting and spiritually
beneficial to all. The clergy will devise ways and means to enhance
their delivery of homilies using this technology."The size of our video screens is in direct correlation to our holiness |
So, there in one short paragraph are summed up a host of errors, misconceptions and incompetence from the first word to the last. The Vatican II Church, animated by the leveling, hippie spirit of communalism, has always been obsessed with the participation of The People (always ennobled with a capital "P") in the Mass. However the People stubbornly do not want to participate in the Mass. Therefore, our enlightened (ha!) overlords will_force_us to play-act their fantasy of the Great Group Hug by further degrading and infantilizing the Mass.
I don't suspect the pastor at OLHC of any devious intentions, but his dumb response to a non-problem is based on faulty premises. He sees his congregation sitting in the pews week after week in a catatonic state and bemoans the lack of excitement and engagement, which he's been bred to expect from the "new springtime" in the Church. So, the natural response of a priest marinated in both the post-Vatican II era and the age of technology is to make it more entertaining! Whereas the clueless, 1970s hippie priest would bring in guitarists, clown Masses and liturgical dancers, the lame and impotent response of the modern, clueless pastor is to introduce TV screens. Next will be youtube videos, comedy routines, pre-recorded rock music, and other cribbed gimmicks from evangelical megachurch circuses. Who knows, perhaps they'll even introduce trampolines?
Coming to a Catholic church near you! |
Needless to say, the screens were a major
distraction. They were scrolling announcements before the Mass (the same
announcements that were in the bulletin), thereby precluding the
ability to quietly pray. As the Mass started, the screens flashes the
words of the Mass and the Scripture readings as we were simultaneously
listening to them. Obviously, it is human nature to look at moving
images, so everyone was staring at the screens instead of the priest. At
one point during one of the guitarist's songs, a photoshopped picture of Pope
Francis as the Good Shepherd was shown, conflating the current Pope with the Creator and Savior of mankind.
Our Lord...Francis? |