of the 2015 Manhattan St. Patrick's Day Parade, along with an openly gay organization, the attention of the rainbow-tinted forces of Hate turned to our little island's own Paddy's Day march.
At first, the Democratic politicians predictably led the way in risk-free virtue signaling, and boycotted the parade. Then, last year, our "Conservative Republican" Borough President, the reprobate Jim Oddo, made news by announcing a boycott of the parade until the organizers allowed the Staten Island Pride Center to march. The floodgates opened this year, with oafish Republican Councilman Matteo; Brendan Lantry, the incoherent millennial Chairman of the Republican Party; Miss Richmond County Gabrielle Ryan; and Miss Staten Island Teen Angelica Mroczek (the daughter of Advance columnist Gracelyn Santos) all announcing that they wouldn't march either until sodomy was proclaimed mandatory for every man, woman and child and enshrined in the Constitution as the highest of all virtues. The Janus-like Assemblywoman and Congressional candidate Nicole Malliotakis, the apotheosis of political hacks, announced that she would march but proclaimed her support for the inclusion of the Pride Center. Republican Councilman Joe Borelli said the same. To top off the circus, Miss Staten Island 2020 Madison L’Insalata announced she was bisexual the night before the parade and vowed to be
driven down the parade route wearing rainbow paraphernalia. The Advance joined the pile-on as well. And it need not be said, that pretty much every person involved in promoting degeneracy is a product of local Catholic schools and rationalized their position by referencing "Pope" Francis and hippie Jesus.
It also need not be said that the local Church provided zero leadership as ravenous wolves ravaged their flock. These senile milquetoasts smiled and said nothing as aggressive homosexuals and their useful idiots recruited our God in their campaign to corrupt souls and groom our children. I attended Mass at Blessed Sacrament before the parade and listened to its pastor give an asinine sermon about some idiotic irrelevancy, while a full blown gay pride march was taking place on the lawn of his church. Staten Island's priests have covered themselves with disgrace during this episode. If they can't even say a damned word when these people are coming for our kids, what the hell good are these so-called shepherds?

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